allmonthweektoday populardaterelevant 1 F!R$T 1AP X Neptunes Plaza Type beat GSSJ Newbie neptunesplazakencarsonplayboicarti 0:02:54 7 79 2022-01-29 Favorite Share Remix 2 neptunes GSSJ Newbie bgf 0:03:25 2 14 2024-01-08 Favorite Share Remix 3 neptunes type beat - work weldonsam675_gmail_com Funk rnbneptunes 0:02:23 3 28 2023-04-10 Favorite Share Remix 4 Rise of the Neptunes JiggyWitDaShits Newbie new wavesamedifferenceoldschoolpharellnew agenewschoolhip hop 0:04:07 2 48 2019-07-18 Favorite Share 5 MACE X CARTIER kartiershawty uncategorized neptunesn.e.r.dtylerthecreatorpharrell 0:04:20 25 441 2018-05-22 Favorite Share Remix 6 Seeing Sounds macethegreat uncategorized neptunesn.e.r.dtylerthecreatorpharrell 0:04:20 32 469 2018-03-11 Favorite Share Remix 7 NEPTUNES TYPE BEAT 2000s Arlo The Folf Newbie neptuneshiphopinstrumentalpharrellfreestyleraptrap2000sthrowback 0:02:30 1 56 2022-01-30 Favorite Share Remix 8 "GET DOWN WIT IT" The Neptunes Type Beat LYAS Hip Hop hiphopchadhugotheneptunes2000spharrell 0:02:22 3 16 2024-12-15 Favorite Share Remix 9 午夜 B$TARDARULA Newbie lazychill outneptunestrap808drexmgxrlchill 0:02:17 23 106 2020-09-30 Favorite Share 10 For The Kids macethegreat 6 uncategorized oldschoolneptuneskanyemadlib 0:04:53 9 117 2018-03-10 Favorite Share 11 Stargazin' LK Beats黒スペード BLXCKSPXDE Hip Hop starshardneptunesnightchillcalmvibepharrellsadrelax 0:02:45 21 309 2020-02-07 Favorite Share Remix 12 Final macethegreat Chiptune pharrellneptuneschad hugonerdy 0:05:01 7 95 2018-10-09 Favorite Share 13 Death is inn helll (B.T.D) ... Newbie neptunesplazakencarsonplayboicarti 0:02:42 2 13 2023-04-19 Favorite Share Remix 14 cubansito. MÄLI Newbie neptunes 0:00:38 1 18 2023-02-28 Favorite Share 15 starfire groovyswank Experimental experimentalneptunestraphustlegroovyswank 0:02:35 6 116 2018-12-09 Favorite Share Remix 16 you KINGMANN Newbie neptunesn.e.r.dtylerthecreatorpharrell 0:04:20 6 93 2018-05-29 Favorite Share Remix 17 Seeing Sounds (MexikoDro x Stoopidxool TB) CyThaGuy uncategorized neptunesn.e.r.dtylerthecreatorpharrell 0:04:22 6 129 2018-05-16 Favorite Share Remix 18 珍贵SHORTY WAS THE BOMB 2021珍贵 [ALJ] [hiatus] Hip Hop new wavelo-firetrosmoothseeeingsoundsinsearchof8902blackveilbridesatcqsoulfitforrivalsneptunesflyordieqtiptheabstractr&bstartrakphifedawgvibeanimeiamothernerdtopdawgent 0:06:30 17 152 2020-05-12 Favorite Share Remix 19 午夜 (longer version) B$TARDARULA Newbie lazychill outneptunestrap808drexmgxrlchill 0:03:49 5 46 2022-02-13 Favorite Share 20 smokeycat! groovyswank Funk lyfespearsxtinamainstreamneptunesbritney2000scartipharrelly2k 0:03:51 5 59 2020-04-16 Favorite Share 21 beasty groovyswank Trap neptunestrapnightmondayrawhip hopwwe 0:00:58 2 26 2020-04-08 Favorite Share 22 GalaxyBeatz JerryFireHeart Hip Hop starshardneptunesnightchillcalmvibepharrellsadrelax 0:02:45 1 29 2021-10-25 Favorite Share 23 Clyde no Bonnie instrumental Triple Play Ray Trap traprapinstrumentalsad 0:03:44 1 10 2019-04-06 Favorite Share 24 neptunes tye amac2007 Newbie 0:01:41 0 5 2024-08-04 Favorite Share Remix 25 F!R$T 1AP X Neptunes Plaza Type beat GSSJ Trap neptunesplazakencarsonplayboicartisuper trapsupertrap 0:02:37 0 7 2022-09-12 Favorite Share Remix 26 Neptunes Plaza GSSJ Hip Hop jsja 0:04:27 0 6 2021-11-25 Favorite Share Remix 27 neptunes Prod.Rav3rboy Newbie bgf 0:00:32 0 35 2021-10-02 Favorite Share Remix 28 the neptunes x tory lanes tb - then thank u cythamosthigh Newbie 0:02:43 0 4 2021-09-08 Favorite Share 29 Seeing Sounds edit extended Xiite Newbie neptunesn.e.r.dtylerthecreatorpharrell 0:02:44 0 6 2020-12-11 Favorite Share Remix 30 HARD NEPTUNES TYPE BEAT Arlo The Folf Hip Hop hiphoprapneptunestrapinstrumentalbass 0:04:20 0 19 2020-07-11 Favorite Share Remix 31 NEPTUNES ... Ambient 0:02:51 0 19 2019-01-24 Favorite Share Remix 32 NEPTUNES YoungShaunTheSauceGod Newbie 0:01:07 0 113 2019-01-10 Favorite Share