Super laggy + Poopoo Cover = This


This took me roughly a week to start and complete, and I know almost nothing about bass production... Probably my biggest draft (in terms of the timeline) to date and the longest time I've ever taken to create a full song. I've never really done bass music so I hope you all like, and let this be a possible introduction to something I might continue. Lots of work put into this, I am proud.


5 hidden sample(s):

~ SP | IMPACT | 1

~ FX_Backwards

~ DrumFill4

~ drum fill(blurgh!)

~ Zig Crash 1


Happy listening. :)

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  • The hats at 1:07 are fuckin crazy

  • Throwback to this beaut.

    3 more
  • I like how you told us the hidden samples

    • Yeah, lots of people have been called out for using samples instead of creating them in AT so I decided to try and avoid those allegations.

  • Boner alert

  • Fading in or out the drum loop around the beginning, would probably be helpful. Because it would introduce your song in a suitable way, so it build some kind of suspense. I really like the drop, and overall sound arrangement. It does deserve more attention, in my opinion.

    • Ah alrighty. Just make sure to give recent tracks feedback (if they're the same genre), cause chances are I've fixed those issues. I still appreciate your feedback nonetheless, though.

    • I just noticed I didn't give this one feedback.

    • A little outdated in terms of giving critique, but nonetheless I appreciate it! I think a good portion of my songs need more attention, but that probably won't happen for a good while.

  • Dude, I come back to this so many times

    We've gotta collab, I could really use your flow asf asf fr fr

    • lol thanks Client! :)

      I'm glad you liked this a lot. After my next track I could definitely work on collaborating with you. I am happy that I'm headed the right direction too. It gives me hope!

    • not only that but your sound design is really good, could use a few tweaks, but this is a really good start.

  • Via #music-feedback on Audiotool Discord

    ...The sound design is well done and it's well arranged. Personally..., I would try to add some supporting contrasting elements introduced during the breakdown at ~ 02:00 (maybe more melodic or synthetic orchestral) and bring them in in the second drop in the continued hocket style arrangement.

    Nonetheless, great work, I find it amazing that this can be accomplished in audiotool, even with supporting VSTs if there are any

    • Thanks so much! I tried really hard on this, despite me not knowing a lot on this kind of stuff yet. Bringing in more melodic elements are maybe a second half of a track and carrying them along is a really good idea, and I will definitely keep hold of that for a future track. No VST's were involved, the basses are all from scratch. Thanks again Apollo! :)

    • This deserves more attention

  • fixed kick y snare volume yee

  • this is good dang

  • ...fuck.

    This that good shit right here. :o


  • This is too good for u not have done Bass music. Great job!!!!

    • Thanks a bunch mate, I appreciate it a lot! <3

  • yo this makes my ald big pp even bigger

  • Ayy 1 fps i bet like me

  • Lots of OTT + EQ + Bass Sound + Modulation = this... its amazing dude

    • Dude thank you so much! <3

      I tried my best haha