Put a lot into this

So much so

tomorrow will be the best time of my life. It will be the starting point for me from now on. So much will happen just, All at once

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  • Really original textures, love it :)

  • ..I love this..

  • I really wish this was longer...

  • doesn't really feel like ambient at all but more bass music (imo).

    it is pretty loud and the beat and synth doesn't mix very well in my opinion. If you do want to make this more Ambient then maybe make it a bit more calmer, softer, less heavy and more atmospheric. Then maybe add some background drums to make it fit more well in style.

    I do see you tried your best though and that is good enough but it does feel cluttered.

    3 more
  • The transition into 0:32 is so fucking gorgeous. Reminds me of minecraft

  • Republished


    Will do more edits need to let it sit and rest

  • Republished

    mix better

    • I'm shit at mixing so please tell me how!