this isnt my kind of music but the vocals sound almost too gritty or staticy imo
This is a throwaway track. I recently became a fan of Rezz, and have been watching videos about how to make music like her. This is my first attempt at a new style. I hope you all like it!
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1 -
1 yo that metal yoy synth shit you've got going on is so fucking cool, I love that so much. quality sample abuse as well I love it.
0 Republished
opened for remix for learning purposes
1 sexy
1 1:37 is pretty cool
1 Not the fucking moans bro 💀 temptation indeed
1 Oo rlly random but could imagine like an indie fashion edit with this lols
1 Very cool !
1 very nice
1 That bass tho
1 This is interesting