The artwork was made by me! Lemme know if you want one :)


This is the extended version of cromulent, and I fixed some things that people pointed out in the original. The beginning is nearly exactly the same, just some mixing edits. The END is what has really changed. This was REALLY fun to make, especially since I tried vocals for the first time( 2:07 ), and I think they came out pretty good for the first attempt!

Lemme know what you think, advice heavily appreciated!

In case you can't understand, I'm saying cromulent when the vocals come in.

More lyrics soon!


Original: cromulent

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  • Awesome work :~)

  • This is a really interesting beat. I feel like the vocals around the 1:50 mark would be better if you let some remain short and some be extended. You could attach a reverb or something and you could even pass that through a rasselbock and use the speed or stop function here and there to make it a little less repetitive. I would also automate the reverb to simply simply turn off and on at certain points of the vocals. I really like the end though. All in all, it's very well done.

    • No prob.

    • Much appreciated :>

    • Thanks for the feedback! About the reverb idea: I did do that in the draft, so I think it's the chorus on the vocals doing that perhaps? And for the rasselbock and other vocal ideas, I'll try em out! I honestly didn't think about using tricks like these while making this, and I'm glad you pointed them out to me!

    1 more
  • that yeooooooooaaaawwww thingy could be turned down just a bit but other than that this is cool

  • Republished

    Vocal edit two, part two, attempt at repub #5

    Good lord, Why do I do this?!

  • Republished

    Vocal edits part two, attempt four...


    Is is even work it at this point?!

  • Republished

    Vocal edits, part two, attempt three...(ugh)

  • Republished

    Vocal edit part two, attempt two...

  • Republished

    Vocal edits(again)

  • Very cool track!

  • Republished

    Vocal edits two...

  • Everything about this one is great to me except for the vocals lol. Not that they are bad, but I think they should sit in the mix better. Again it could be a preference thing, but I feel that they stick out too much. Everything else was improved and that's all I have to say, this is really good!

    • Omg, thank you so much!!!! This truly means the world to me. For the vocals, I agree, and that was one of the things I really spent a lot of time trying to fix. In the end, I still didn't quite get it though, I'm having a really hard time getting them to be less jarring, yet clear enough with good mixing. Imma ask for help around here to see if anyone can help me with that, but other than that, I'm really glad at how this came out. I really appreciate this, you're one of my biggest inspirations!

  • Very nice

  • Republished

    Slight vocal adjustments

  • Well...
