How does Sleepless get on Delta sigma but i cant.

Why does half of audiotool hate me.

Why do trap kids get so popular on audiotool when all they do is edit samples.

How do i get famous.

Why do so many noob producers get labels and i cant.

y u so mad

p.s why wont my hair stay up after i wash it.

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  • lOl

  • damn that old ass drama lmao

  • welp...gud shit cool beans

  • oioi

    i missed some hot ass shit from 2 months ago

  • I can relate to your last question


  • how did sleepless get on delta.

  • music isn't all about getting famous dude

    you've got a great sound, but things exactly like this make people get the impression that you're a whiny brat, and you're not in it for the sake of music

  • I don't know if your asking those questions seriously but here goes. I think your problem is focusing on trying to be popular, trying to have the most complex, craziest sounding music. But you're forgetting about yourself in the process, you stop developing unique stuff that means something, and instead start making something that sounds really nice but has no substance. You ask how trap kids/noob producers get so popular, well those people make stuff, that although not sounding too great, has identity.

    • I see where you're coming from, but what may seem like a joke to some, can hurt others. I recall you saying when you were talking to remus that you're stuff is better than most of the stuff on dsr. Hes not the reason you havent gotten on delta

    • I dont think im a great producer, i dont really think my music is that good. Ego is just a front as a joke, not alot of people seem to understand that. The reason i mentioned sleepless is because he claims my music is bad and unmixed although his is the same, and the only reason i can never get on delta is because he hates me,

  • vvv Acloudyskye just said everything. You unfollowed alot of people to seem like You didn't do follow for follows. And You unfollowed me with no word, You never answered me when i asked You 4 times why. You never talked to me, Never reached out to me. That is why I dislike You. All the other reasons are pretty much stated by Skye.

    12 more
  • "p.s why wont my hair stay up after i wash it."

    ask the forehead :)

  • but you're not a good artist. I don't always speak my mind on these things but here's my honest opinion, do something different, experiment, stand out. Then perhaps the fame your searching for will come your way.

  • Why does half of audiotool hate you? well half is a large stretch, there's a vocal minority of people that happen to dislike you, because sometimes you can act really egotistical talking about how good of a producer you are, and comparing yourself to sleepless in your first question, you say it like you're better than him. And you are a very good producer,

  • Lel calm down

  • it was a bit disappointing