Tracks Templates datepopular 1 Lord of the game ZëRo Experimental remixdeath grips 0:01:08 7 32 2022-05-07 Favorite Share Remix 2 Ruthless. ZëRo Experimental rockindieclassicsoundtrackalternativeviolinart rocksaddramaticemotional 0:02:23 13 44 2022-06-01 Favorite Share Remix 3 ឵ ឵ ZëRo Soundtrack experimentalcreepydarkepic 0:02:56 2 9 2022-06-12 Favorite Share Remix 4 Yesterday ZëRo 2 Soundtrack experimentalindiealternativecinematicsynthwave 0:04:10 13 107 2022-09-29 Favorite Share Remix 5 udiedalready ZëRo 7 Soundtrack experimentalalternativesadindie 0:05:20 12 49 2022-12-04 Favorite Share Remix 6 let's try to be happy for once. ican't ZëRo 3 Rock experimentalindiealternativeshoegazedream rock 0:03:19 14 215 2023-01-13 Favorite Share 7 i'veseenit ZëRo 4 Rock experimentalindieshoegazealternativepost-rockart rock 0:04:26 11 161 2023-02-02 Favorite Share 8 Lunacy ZëRo Soundtrack synthwavecyberpunkexperimentalbass 0:01:32 7 29 2023-02-04 Favorite Share 9 unspoken history ZëRo Experimental rocknoiseheavyalternative 0:02:09 13 116 2023-02-18 Favorite Share 10 hellish ZëRo Experimental industrialglitch hop 0:01:25 10 41 2023-02-20 Favorite Share 11 was just a laugh ZëRo Experimental cyberpunkindustrialsynthwavetrip hopambient 0:03:04 8 33 2023-02-24 Favorite Share 12 losing it ZëRo Soundtrack ambientdreamycinematicemotional 0:02:54 6 12 2023-02-26 Favorite Share Remix