Tracks Templates datepopular 1 beattape 101 (month old lmao) (USOz) seriousboi 2.0 Other lmaonoiceseriousboiooflmfao 0:06:01 9 138 2020-03-13 Favorite Share Remix 2 GOT DA CHOPPA (improved) (USOz) seriousboi 2.0 Trap lollmaolmfaoooooseriousboiooflmaooooolmfao 0:02:02 6 125 2020-12-15 Favorite Share Remix 3 NINTENDO (USOz) seriousboi 2.0 Trap lmaoooolollmaoseriousboinintendoooflmfao 0:02:12 11 157 2020-12-21 Favorite Share Remix 4 drill 6 (USOz) seriousboi 2.0 Trap seriousboimylaptophasa3dscameraangusisahacker 0:01:47 0 64 2019-06-28 Favorite Share Remix 5 a 9 month old track that i finally got to finish lmao (USOz) seriousboi 2.0 Trap lollmaoseriousboiooflmfao 0:01:12 0 6 2020-10-22 Favorite Share 6 decent melody idk (USOz) seriousboi 2.0 Other lollmaoseriousboioofmelody 0:00:15 0 6 2020-08-23 Favorite Share Remix 7 no melody type beat (USOz) seriousboi 2.0 Trap lollmaoseriousboiooflmfao 0:00:50 0 18 2020-08-27 Favorite Share Remix 8 sum shitty plugg shit (USOz) seriousboi 2.0 Trap seriousboiplugplugg 0:00:33 0 13 2020-09-15 Favorite Share Remix 9 elevator (USOz) seriousboi 2.0 House loloodlmaodoodeep houseseriousboiooffoo 0:00:48 0 24 2020-09-17 Favorite Share Remix 10 s p o o p y 3.0 (USOz) seriousboi 2.0 Trap lollmaoseriousboiooflmfao 0:01:24 0 10 2020-09-28 Favorite Share Remix 11 badass trap but you can rap to it and its WAAAAYYY BETTER (USOz) seriousboi 2.0 Trap lollmaorapseriousboiooflmfao 0:02:09 0 24 2020-09-28 Favorite Share Remix 12 c o o l t i n g (USOz) seriousboi 2.0 Trap lollmaolofiseriousboioof 0:01:22 0 18 2020-10-01 Favorite Share Remix