Tracks Templates datepopular 1 Playboi Carti x MexikoDro Yung saucyy uncategorized pluggjugg 0:02:41 20 404 2017-11-15 Favorite Share 2 "sauced up" zaytoven type beat Yung saucyykidnawty (nova) uncategorized collabpoloboyshawtyzaytovenstoopidxool 0:02:33 30 554 2017-12-03 Favorite Share 3 Tay K Type Beat BasedPari$Yung saucyy uncategorized 0:02:36 21 542 2017-12-03 Favorite Share 4 Who Said Old Folks Dont Listen To Carti #2 nxmine_kun☆RBONTHETRACKYung saucyy uncategorized saidfolksdontoldplayboitolistenwhocarti 0:03:05 67 898 2017-12-08 Favorite Share 5 jugg shii bitch(Yung Saucyy X Cartiershawtty) Yung saucyykartiershawty uncategorized stoopidxool 0:03:18 29 413 2017-12-22 Favorite Share 6 2k18 january sample Yung saucyy uncategorized samplesnewyear 0:02:18 27 272 2018-01-01 Favorite Share 7 21 Savage X 808 Mafia Type Beat "Trap House" Yung saucyy uncategorized metro boomintm8821type beat808 mafiasouthsidesavage 0:02:01 21 293 2018-01-15 Favorite Share 8 Trappin and Juggin Yung saucyy uncategorized ybncarti 0:01:42 24 272 2018-01-23 Favorite Share 9 icytwat tpe beat Yung saucyy uncategorized lordfubuuglygoddivinecounciletherealicytwat 0:02:22 39 574 2018-01-30 Favorite Share 10 Jugg Yung saucyy Trap pierrebourne 0:02:30 61 757 2018-02-05 Favorite Share 11 Level Up Yung saucyy uncategorized 0:02:25 29 281 2018-02-27 Favorite Share 12 March Samples Yung saucyy uncategorized coreylingosamplesbeatpluggtwopolobboyshawty 0:03:00 33 350 2018-03-06 Favorite Share