Tracks Templates datepopular 1 I decided to happy. (ft. W1ckedwolff) reina de las hamburguesasW1ckedwolff uncategorized 0:01:50 13 172 2014-12-02 Favorite Share Remix 2 The Purge W1ckedwolff uncategorized #randomoctopuspurgedubstepthebassyow1ckedwolffhouseeverythingdropdark 0:02:58 7 122 2014-12-04 Favorite Share Remix 3 Let Them Fight W1ckedwolff uncategorized godzilla#random octopusguitarbassw1ckedwolffdrop 0:04:26 9 76 2014-12-08 Favorite Share Remix 4 Infinity W1ckedwolff uncategorized #randomoctopusyololoopmastersbassw1ckedwolff 0:05:05 12 143 2014-12-10 Favorite Share Remix 5 Free W1ckedwolff uncategorized mellowrelaxedchillstepkeyschill 0:04:26 3 30 2015-01-31 Favorite Share Remix 6 Kick It Up (W1ckedwolff Remix) (#100RMX) W1ckedwolff uncategorized flearbig roomupkickitkick it upy nothouse 0:05:44 6 55 2015-02-01 Favorite Share Remix 7 sean pls (W1ckedwolff Remix) W1ckedwolff uncategorized #amazingplsidkdubpls seansean 0:02:28 8 100 2015-02-07 Favorite Share Remix 8 Tropic Of Capricorn (W1ckedwolff Chill Dub) W1ckedwolff uncategorized meditationlowchillcalmambientrelaxation 0:03:48 4 43 2015-02-07 Favorite Share Remix 9 Timestopper (W1ckedwolff Remix) W1ckedwolff uncategorized ambientyolodubstepyeswehavemuffinsdrop 0:04:30 57 935 2015-02-17 Favorite Share Remix 10 Wolf Pack (100 Follower Remix Comp) W1ckedwolff uncategorized remix compw1ckedwolff100 followers!!#w1ckedrmx 0:02:30 14 241 2015-02-20 Favorite Share Remix 11 party time ft W1ckedwolff LIL MOSSADW1ckedwolff uncategorized 0:03:36 8 80 2015-02-26 Favorite Share Remix 12 Tropics(Ft.Many Artists)(last song 4 now) Omega (GONE)SoralumenLimitless-Network(Sunday)fresh prince of bellendW1ckedwolffS A N F E A RKübuzzSkyline EndeavorsLil' Bassie* uncategorized 4#wishicouldsayoktopisslolmegayolocollabsongollie-boyjknowlastrichlumentropixhugeimchill 0:03:34 28 419 2015-02-27 Favorite Share Remix