Tracks Templates datepopular 1 Uprising (Part I) N950UThe_Drumming_Doggo Newbie synthcomputerbeatrap beatbass 0:02:08 8 146 2014-02-13 Favorite Share Remix 2 synth army The_Drumming_Doggo uncategorized synthawesomenesswerewolflover231synth army 0:04:40 1 61 2016-11-14 Favorite Share Remix 3 mad max fury road-type music The_Drumming_Doggo uncategorized drummadmaxmad max fury roadfury roadmad maxmany drums 0:01:42 1 19 2017-01-05 Favorite Share Remix 4 video game mashup The_Drumming_Doggo uncategorized video gamemashupvideo game mashupwerewolflover231 0:01:14 3 17 2017-01-06 Favorite Share 5 Dummy-Undertale 8bit REMIX The_Drumming_Doggo uncategorized 8bitundertaledummy 0:01:56 1 55 2017-06-06 Favorite Share Remix 6 Heartache-Undertale 8bit REMIX The_Drumming_Doggo uncategorized 8bitundertaleheartache 0:01:50 2 76 2017-09-14 Favorite Share Remix 7 Your Best Nightmare-Undertale 8bit REMIX The_Drumming_Doggo uncategorized undertale8bittoby_fox 0:04:00 1 70 2017-09-15 Favorite Share Remix 8 The Devil's swing REMIX The_Drumming_Doggo uncategorized batimbendy and the ink machine 0:02:28 11 271 2017-09-15 Favorite Share Remix 9 Spear of Justice-Undertale 8bit REMIX The_Drumming_Doggo uncategorized 8bitundertalespear_of_justice 0:02:10 1 39 2017-09-22 Favorite Share Remix 10 Megalovania-Undertale ( Drum remix ) The_Drumming_Doggo uncategorized 8bitundertalemegalovania 0:02:38 3 157 2017-09-28 Favorite Share Remix 11 Finale ( Drum remix ) The_Drumming_Doggo uncategorized drumfinalewerewolflover231undertaleflowey 0:01:47 1 95 2017-10-07 Favorite Share 12 Abandon Ship The_Drumming_Doggo Techno subnauticagame musicsoundtracktechno 0:02:00 5 301 2019-01-09 Favorite Share Remix