Tracks Templates datepopular 1 The storm(demo00) Santa Tai Lo-Fi quickiesortofhouse 0:00:50 4 47 2020-06-13 Favorite Share Remix 2 im the last one to die[Tai Edit] Santa Tai Trap listenheredetailshaharoyal 0:00:58 26 184 2020-10-08 Favorite Share Remix 3 to the sky. Santa Tai 10 Synthwave trapishhappybounce 0:01:33 26 166 2021-01-23 Favorite Share 4 koi. Santa Tai Trap dovetypeshitlmao 0:00:24 12 113 2021-01-25 Favorite Share 5 issa vibe. Santa Tai Trap trapfuckthatshard 0:01:05 18 144 2021-01-30 Favorite Share