Tracks Templates datepopular 1 8088 Cypher Instrumental themadmage Newbie 8088heavy lowbasscypher 0:00:53 0 31 2024-08-08 Favorite Share Remix 2 World War V Two themadmage Newbie world war v twosubwooferdrumstepaggressive instrumentalhard hitting instrumentasynthshi hatsclapkick drum 0:01:04 0 30 2024-08-23 Favorite Share 3 WORLD WAR V themadmage Newbie raprapturousheaheavy 0:00:39 0 48 2024-07-25 Favorite Share Remix 4 120 ON The Dash themadmage Newbie 120bpminstrumentalthemadmage 0:02:08 0 2 2025-02-15 Favorite Share Remix 5 100 on the dash themadmage Newbie instrumental100thedash 0:01:43 0 5 2025-02-15 Favorite Share Remix 6 Chopp IT Instrumental themadmage Newbie grungythemadamgehard hittingchop itdelays606 frequencybeatinstrumentalsubwooferreverbsub130 bpmbeatsflex3beatboxing 0:01:37 0 8 2025-01-16 Favorite Share Remix 7 SIMPLE RAP LOOP INSTRUMENTAL themadmage Newbie simplerap loopinstrumental 0:00:32 1 16 2024-12-14 Favorite Share Remix 8 THE MAGE'S FREESTYLE INSTRUMENTAL themadmage Newbie the mages freestyleinstrumental 0:02:54 1 15 2024-12-14 Favorite Share Remix 9 32 Long Kick Loop themadmage Newbie 32 long kick loop 0:00:32 1 8 2024-12-13 Favorite Share Remix 10 Militant Angel Instumental themadmage Newbie militantangelinstrumental 0:02:14 0 7 2024-12-13 Favorite Share Remix 11 LYING FAMILY INSTRUMENTAL themadmage Newbie lyingfamilyinstrumental 0:02:56 0 5 2024-12-12 Favorite Share Remix 12 DUBVERADO INSTRUMENTAL themadmage Newbie dubveradoinstrumental120bpmchillhybrid 0:01:36 1 7 2024-12-12 Favorite Share Remix