Tracks Templates datepopular 1 Technophobia (Original) TheDapperRabbit Newbie 0:01:00 0 1 15 days ago Favorite Share 2 Temple Theme - Zelda II (Remix) TheDapperRabbit Newbie dungeon themethe legend of zeldalozadventure of linkzelda 2palace theme 0:02:03 0 4 2025-01-11 Favorite Share 3 Hyrule Castle - ALttP (Remix) TheDapperRabbit Newbie hyrule castlelegend of zeldathe legend of zeldaalttploztloza link to the pastzelda 0:02:52 1 5 2024-12-05 Favorite Share 4 Soupercomputer (Original) TheDapperRabbit Soundtrack 0:01:48 0 10 2024-08-23 Favorite Share 5 Gravity Falls Theme (Remix) TheDapperRabbit Newbie gravity fallsgravityfalls 0:00:39 0 11 2024-07-07 Favorite Share 6 Knighttime (Original) TheDapperRabbit Soundtrack 0:01:42 0 5 2024-06-02 Favorite Share 7 Spaceship (Original) TheDapperRabbit Soundtrack 0:01:36 0 1 2024-05-24 Favorite Share 8 Saloon Brawl (Original) TheDapperRabbit Soundtrack 0:00:55 0 2 2024-05-23 Favorite Share 9 PaSTA-113 (Original) TheDapperRabbit Soundtrack 0:01:27 0 16 2024-03-18 Favorite Share 10 The Gooper Reel intro and outro TheDapperRabbit Newbie 0:01:19 0 4 2024-01-13 Favorite Share 11 Battle Against a True Hero (remix) TheDapperRabbit Newbie undynebattleundyne the undyingagainst a true heroundertale 0:02:40 0 7 2023-11-18 Favorite Share 12 What the Goop?? TheDapperRabbit Newbie 0:03:04 0 5 2023-10-01 Favorite Share