Tracks Templates datepopular 1 Fucc Yeauh HypeTr0nix EDM dubstepdoperiddimhypetronixtrap140dub140bpmheavyelectrobass 0:03:22 2 64 2019-03-20 Favorite Share 2 wip HypeTr0nix uncategorized 0:01:01 4 60 2018-09-01 Favorite Share 3 Drop That Sh*t!(The Hunt E.P) HypeTr0nix uncategorized dubstepdoperiddimhypetronixwonk140drop that sh*tbassrdcdrifters 0:04:00 5 216 2018-05-01 Favorite Share 4 The Hunt(Forthcoming The Hunt E.P.) HypeTr0nix uncategorized dubstepthe huntriddmephypetronixforthcomingbassrdc 0:04:25 4 68 2018-02-22 Favorite Share 5 PLUBBS-Creature(HypeTr0nix Remix) HypeTr0nix uncategorized creaturedubsteppotatbromusicriddimaudiotoolheavy 0:03:29 5 84 2018-01-23 Favorite Share Remix 6 1124 HypeTr0nix uncategorized lo-fihip-hopmigosrap 0:02:42 3 19 2017-11-24 Favorite Share 7 My First Lo-Fi Beat HypeTr0nix uncategorized lo-fihip-hoprapbass 0:02:18 3 26 2017-11-21 Favorite Share 8 Riddim Is Gay HypeTr0nix uncategorized riddim is gayhypetronixmemeriddim 0:02:22 6 63 2017-10-22 Favorite Share Remix 9 Evil Kirby(FORTHCOMING) HypeTr0nix uncategorized hypetronixriddimdubstep 0:04:30 6 71 2017-10-13 Favorite Share Remix 10 Sack o' Greens HypeTr0nix uncategorized hypetronixriddimdubstep 0:02:12 9 73 2017-09-11 Favorite Share Remix 11 Mos Def-Beef(HypeTr0nix Remake) HypeTr0nix uncategorized mosdeflofihip-hophypetr0nixbeefoff-beat 0:02:59 3 61 2017-05-02 Favorite Share Remix 12 Work in Progress HypeTr0nix uncategorized riddim140wiphypetr0nix 0:00:44 5 40 2017-04-29 Favorite Share