Tracks Templates datepopular 1 yvngxchris type beat ★Ͼ1₳|YoungCarti21★★Ͼ1₳|SolarBlazee★ Trap youngtalentedhiphopfireyvngxchristrapprod 0:03:58 15 270 2021-03-19 Favorite Share Remix 2 [FREE] freestyle type beat (prod.solarblazee x youngcarti21) ★Ͼ1₳|YoungCarti21★★Ͼ1₳|SolarBlazee★ Hip Hop rapsolarblazeeclass 1ayoungcarti21freestyle 0:02:30 13 188 2021-04-28 Favorite Share Remix 3 [free] [read description] pierre bourne type beat ★Ͼ1₳|SolarBlazee★ Hip Hop raptrapdark808instrumentaldark ambient 0:02:03 8 63 2021-03-08 Favorite Share Remix 4 [FREE] mario x meme type beat (w/ prod.youngcarti21) ★Ͼ1₳|YoungCarti21★★Ͼ1₳|SolarBlazee★cleeo Hip Hop mariohiphopfiretiktokrapsolarblazeetrapsolardanceyoungcarti21hip hoptik tok 0:02:50 8 92 2021-04-01 Favorite Share Remix 5 [FREE] lil tecca x sofaygo type beat (w/ prod.youngcarti21) ★Ͼ1₳|YoungCarti21★★Ͼ1₳|SolarBlazee★ Hip Hop rapsolarblazeesofaygolil teccayoungcarti21 0:03:43 7 108 2021-04-20 Favorite Share Remix 6 [FREE] yameii x dreamy x lofi type beat (w/ prod.youngcarti21) ★Ͼ1₳|SolarBlazee★★Ͼ1₳|YoungCarti21★ Hip Hop solarblazeelofiyameiidream houseyoungcarti21 0:02:24 7 64 2021-04-20 Favorite Share Remix 7 Miss the Rage, but if we made it ★Ͼ1₳|YoungCarti21★★Ͼ1₳|SolarBlazee★ Hip Hop hardsolarblazeetrippie reddmiss the rageyoungcarti21playboi carti 0:03:18 6 131 2021-03-11 Favorite Share Remix 8 [free] Lil Uzi Vert x Playboi Carti Type Beat (prod.solarblazee) ★Ͼ1₳|SolarBlazee★ Hip Hop playboi cartilil uzi vertsolarblazeerap 0:02:53 6 44 2021-03-19 Favorite Share Remix 9 "Hero" Playboi Carti Type Beat ★Ͼ1₳|YoungCarti21★★Ͼ1₳|SolarBlazee★ Trap hardfirecollabdevil808type beatplayboi cartihip hop 0:04:05 6 71 2021-03-19 Favorite Share Remix 10 [free] playboi carti x pierre bourne type beat (prod.solarblazee ★Ͼ1₳|SolarBlazee★ Hip Hop solarblazeerapplayboi cartipierre bourne 0:02:53 6 29 2021-03-30 Favorite Share Remix 11 [FREE] lil uzi vert x polo g type beat (prod.solarblazee) ★Ͼ1₳|SolarBlazee★ Hip Hop rapsolarblazeelil uzi vertsadpolo g 0:03:50 6 39 2021-04-15 Favorite Share Remix 12 i remade 4u/playstation from pierre bourne ★Ͼ1₳|SolarBlazee★ Hip Hop pierre 0:03:20 6 40 2021-04-22 Favorite Share Remix