Tracks Templates datepopular 1 Dubstep in M's Head Maestro uncategorized dubstepdoctormdr. 0:04:20 15 158 2015-06-27 Favorite Share 2 Scary Monsters & Nice Sprites (Dr. M Remix) Maestro uncategorized remixesremixscarydubstepnicemonsterssprites 0:04:23 13 135 2015-06-18 Favorite Share 3 Plug talk (Dr. M Remix) Maestro uncategorized dubstepremixskrillex-likeskrillex 0:04:00 12 153 2015-05-05 Favorite Share Remix 4 Hype Maestro uncategorized hypetrap 0:02:47 11 319 2015-09-27 Favorite Share Remix 5 Dr. M (YouTube Intro) Maestro uncategorized dr. mmaestro 0:01:07 10 137 2015-07-02 Favorite Share 6 Mr. Softee Turned Hard (Ice Cream Remix) Maestro uncategorized trapremixicecream 0:02:11 9 87265 2015-04-29 Favorite Share 7 Avicii 'Levels' Skrillex Remix (Dr. M Remix) Maestro uncategorized dr. mdr. maestrolevelsremixaviciiskrillex 0:04:53 8 421 2015-05-19 Favorite Share 8 Synthonix's Remix Competition! (Dr. M Remix) Maestro uncategorized remixcompetitontrapmusic 0:03:00 8 124 2015-07-02 Favorite Share Remix 9 BANGIN' (The Real Dance Anthem) Maestro uncategorized dancesick beats 0:02:06 7 124 2015-08-15 Favorite Share 10 The Powerful, Horrifying Storm Maestro uncategorized minortornadothunderhorriblesuspense 0:03:28 5 128 2014-11-13 Favorite Share Remix 11 Just Tryin To Go Hard Maestro uncategorized nasty dubstepremixhard 0:03:46 5 89 2015-01-05 Favorite Share Remix 12 SONIC LIKE A BOSS!!!! (Remixed Boss Level) Maestro uncategorized boss levelremixsonic the hedgehog 2trap 0:01:40 5 220 2015-05-27 Favorite Share Remix