Tracks Templates datepopular 1 Wouldn't it Be Nice? (Instrumental Remix) S L A Y Chiptune retrochill 0:03:22 0 55 2020-04-24 Favorite Share Remix 2 Nights. S L A Y Lo-Fi lofichillhoptrillchilljazzbump 0:02:12 0 12 2020-04-08 Favorite Share Remix 3 soft. S L A Y Lo-Fi chill 0:02:12 2 17 2020-03-19 Favorite Share Remix 4 hazy. S L A Y Lo-Fi lofichlllhopchilljazzguitarhip hop 0:01:30 0 10 2020-01-30 Favorite Share Remix 5 bread. S L A Y Chiptune hiphopchill traplofitrapcover 0:02:56 0 23 2020-01-01 Favorite Share Remix 6 winter jam 12/16/19 S L A Y Newbie chilltrap 0:02:49 1 35 2019-12-16 Favorite Share Remix 7 Frosty. S L A Y Ambient chill outsynthtrapsynthwavechillbassbump 0:01:48 1 65 2019-12-09 Favorite Share Remix 8 Have yourself... S L A Y Experimental chillchristmaslofi 0:02:49 4 29 2019-11-21 Favorite Share Remix 9 lofi type beat S L A Y Lo-Fi lofichillbassambienthip hopbump 0:01:53 0 201 2019-11-15 Favorite Share Remix 10 Dreamin (2019 Mix) S L A Y Lo-Fi lazylo-fiblissfulchill trapchillbassbump 0:02:26 0 40 2019-10-28 Favorite Share Remix 11 pond. S L A Y Newbie trapchill 0:01:07 4 41 2019-05-22 Favorite Share Remix 12 Cowboy Blues. S L A Y Soundtrack experimentalbluescountryguitarambientwestern 0:03:14 0 93 2019-05-08 Favorite Share Remix