Tracks Templates datepopular 1 Run (feat. tons of awesome ppl) JulaxXaviAcrylicMYSTVectorshock (DARKLITE)InfinityVirtual Reality uncategorized hardrough timingcollabhuge 0:03:29 18 272 2015-02-21 Favorite Share Remix 2 Dreamless Infinity uncategorized infinitydubstepsounds 0:04:20 13 555 2015-10-21 Favorite Share Remix 3 This Is How We Do (ft. Julax and Vulkron) InfinityJulax uncategorized collabfunsexy 0:03:53 10 306 2015-06-15 Favorite Share Remix 4 Flashing Lights | Dubstep (ft. Vulkron and Julax) InfinityJulax uncategorized collabjulaxvulkron 0:03:55 10 515 2015-11-16 Favorite Share Remix 5 Guess Who Infinity uncategorized 0:03:29 9 342 2014-08-20 Favorite Share Remix 6 Apocalypse Infinity uncategorized 0:04:14 9 592 2015-12-03 Favorite Share Remix 7 Agent Techno Infinity uncategorized 0:04:44 8 294 2015-09-11 Favorite Share Remix 8 Higher And Higher Infinity uncategorized remakesoundsbetter 0:03:41 7 118 2015-03-25 Favorite Share Remix 9 Float Away Infinity uncategorized ripholly 0:03:51 7 133 2015-04-27 Favorite Share 10 Our Epic Journey (ft. Julax and Vulkron) InfinityJulax uncategorized vulkronsexyjulaxcollabbuttsex 0:05:11 7 315 2015-09-07 Favorite Share Remix 11 Monster (Remix This Gravity {im <3 done}Infinity uncategorized remixmonsterdubstepdubstep 0:00:38 7 106 2015-10-21 Favorite Share Remix 12 Eruption Tapping Solo Infinity uncategorized evh 0:00:25 6 62 2015-04-08 Favorite Share