Tracks Templates datepopular 1 Detestable Isolation RolinStone uncategorized tranceambientparamorechillvocalsdroneguitar 0:04:42 7 810 2014-12-01 Favorite Share Remix 2 Detestable Isolation RolinStone uncategorized tranceambientcoldvocalsdroneguitar 0:03:59 3 117 2014-11-29 Favorite Share Remix 3 This is all you have left (Sometimes) RolinStone uncategorized snare drumminimalspoken wordbass drumnothingdrumbeatwhits endnodrums 0:00:03 1 938 2012-10-12 Favorite Share Remix 4 Transistor RolinStone uncategorized experimentalelectronicatechnoupupbeatelectronicdancebass 0:05:09 0 2496 2012-10-06 Favorite Share Remix 5 Orthodoxical RolinStone uncategorized trancedownexperimentalothodoxclubdanceother 0:05:33 0 1008 2012-10-05 Favorite Share Remix 6 What You May Think (I Know Addiction) Remixed for the better RolinStone uncategorized adiction.femalemadinaindustrialprogelectronicdancevocalsprogressivedenmarkremix 0:01:50 6 1007 2012-09-27 Favorite Share Remix 7 Skrillex - First of the Year -(Stonized Remix) RolinStone uncategorized whydubstepdnbdubskrillex 0:02:45 8 1203 2012-09-21 Favorite Share Remix 8 The Forrest and the Sand RolinStone uncategorized downslow90bpmchantetherialdeep forrestdownbeatstringsafricanchillarabicambientrelaxedrelax 0:02:37 3 1891 2012-09-18 Favorite Share Remix 9 Virgin Black: (Gather Me) (Remix) RolinStone uncategorized downdepressingchoirgothvampireexperimental. virgin blaxkgothicremix 0:03:12 0 1141 2012-09-17 Favorite Share Remix 10 Everybody's Russian RolinStone uncategorized clubrussianelectronicdancehouseup tempo 0:01:53 2 889 2012-09-15 Favorite Share Remix 11 To Russia with bacon. RolinStone uncategorized experimentalrussianelectronicdubhouseprogressivebassdrums 0:02:29 1 1058 2012-09-14 Favorite Share Remix 12 Xynsane RolinStone uncategorized dub. experimental. electronicspacyinsanehousedum and bass 0:04:16 0 1749 2012-09-14 Favorite Share Remix