Tracks Templates datepopular 1 Party Troll DJ threebarrz uncategorized edmsynthravepartydrums 0:04:20 1 22 2013-06-26 Favorite Share Remix 2 Deadmau5-The Veldt (Remix) DJ threebarrz uncategorized deadmau5houseremix 0:03:30 2 26 2013-05-14 Favorite Share Remix 3 Drone DJ threebarrz uncategorized housedubstepelectronica 0:02:48 0 9 2013-05-06 Favorite Share Remix 4 Whopper DJ threebarrz uncategorized drumwhopperdropdubstep 0:02:18 1 17 2013-04-29 Favorite Share Remix 5 BASS WITH THE DEVIL DJ threebarrz uncategorized bassdrumdubstepdark 0:02:18 1 23 2013-04-29 Favorite Share Remix 6 MIGHT FIGHT DJ threebarrz uncategorized dubstepawesomeepicbass dropfightmight 0:02:10 0 31 2013-04-25 Favorite Share Remix 7 ShAtter3d Peic3s DJ threebarrz uncategorized electrodubstepwubsstuff 0:01:46 0 23 2013-04-10 Favorite Share