Tracks Templates datepopular 1 TRAP 2 but a fat bitch helped me make it relative mAJOR Trap freestylechart thischartchart now 0:00:36 6 71 2 days ago Favorite Share Remix 2 trashfire 152 w/ jovee + epsilon (March 2024) Underb111terelative mAJORjames kale Trap 152bpm 0:01:44 6 14 2025-01-20 Favorite Share 3 it's giving boykisser /j relative mAJOR 10 Bass Music 0:00:24 12 172 2023-12-14 Favorite Share Remix 4 sketch relative mAJOR 7 EDM 0:00:16 6 133 2023-03-19 Favorite Share Remix 5 midphonkim but comically bad predrop so that you cant take the d relative mAJOR Experimental 0:00:33 13 94 2023-01-29 Favorite Share Remix 6 Guillotine relative mAJOR 1 Funk 0:00:42 33 515 2022-07-18 Favorite Share Remix 7 MAGICIAN'S RED relative mAJOR 7 Chiptune spoopdesertegypt 0:02:42 12 147 2022-04-01 Favorite Share Remix 8 shit sketch relative mAJOR 6 EDM 0:00:17 25 333 2021-09-11 Favorite Share Remix 9 SigmaMaleMacrocephalicIntellectualionaire Grindset Sound Collage relative mAJOR Experimental sigma male grindstepsound collage 0:02:14 26 296 2021-07-17 Favorite Share Remix 10 Project Epsilon - Crab Riddim relative mAJOR 4 Bass Music 0:02:40 59 559 2021-05-19 Favorite Share 11 I miss ID4XX relative mAJOR 5 EDM 0:00:13 29 297 2021-03-18 Favorite Share 12 what vulkron stans hear vs what he actually posted [Project Epsi relative mAJOR 8 Bass Music dream of audiotool 0:00:17 55 460 2021-02-26 Favorite Share Remix