Tracks Templates datepopular 1 loop of life midijunkie uncategorized breaktechnohouse 0:04:16 0 86 2012-06-01 Favorite Share Remix 2 r.o.l. (sammy davis jr peace pipe mix) midijunkie uncategorized breakdnbsammy davis jrdubbassjunglesweet charity 0:03:36 0 72 2012-06-25 Favorite Share Remix 3 i'll make ya famous midijunkie uncategorized dnbbreak 0:03:18 0 1106 2012-09-10 Favorite Share Remix 4 i'll make ya famous (midijunkie full lenght remix) midijunkie uncategorized trancedub steptechnodnbdubhouse 0:05:32 0 1061 2012-12-03 Favorite Share Remix 5 diva man fight midijunkie uncategorized technoacapelladivadnbdancevocal 0:03:31 0 70 2013-02-08 Favorite Share Remix 6 live fast, die young (it's a jungle out there) midijunkie uncategorized mish moshmashuptechnodancejungle 0:03:42 0 87 2013-08-09 Favorite Share Remix 7 movie mish mosh (movie samples) midijunkie uncategorized 0:03:22 0 61 2013-11-16 Favorite Share Remix 8 5:2 (adr insdustrial mix) midijunkie uncategorized midijunkieadrbillyindustrial short 0:01:01 0 47 2015-11-16 Favorite Share Remix 9 unfinished...not sure it eveer will be midijunkie uncategorized midijunkie 0:03:20 0 279 2015-12-05 Favorite Share Remix 10 have you seen my dress midijunkie uncategorized laid backtrippytriphopdnbstrangetrip hopastro groovejungled&b 0:01:30 1 154 2012-05-05 Favorite Share Remix 11 sex and dreams midijunkie uncategorized trippydroning80's 0:03:38 1 90 2013-03-02 Favorite Share Remix 12 wikki wikki vs chik chik wahh midijunkie uncategorized breaksold schoolrapold sckoolbeatship hop 0:02:00 1 77 2013-03-30 Favorite Share Remix