Tracks Templates datepopular 1 In Love Ft Blxck Xypher 90milligramsssy☯k uncategorized 0:02:24 219 3851 2017-03-22 Favorite Share 2 LIT VinnieYxng Zy ( OFL )y☯kLxrdBreezo 10 uncategorized bangernezuloudtrapmafia808$aturdaybassnew 0:02:52 185 3202 2017-06-03 Favorite Share Remix 3 "$werve" feat. Collab Gang VinnieBYE BROS (lil nemo)y☯kAJ What You Cookin 1 uncategorized tm88hiptraphopcollabgang808bangerbeatchart 0:03:56 148 3672 2017-03-23 Favorite Share Remix 4 X CharismaticTMighty TankZaexxtra_Unpredictable™2KingzKing Py☯k⭐L!L AAR0N⭐AJ What You CookinSTORM CALLER ✘ Voidus.❤savage.queen❤ (gone) uncategorized 0:01:38 131 2477 2017-02-16 Favorite Share 5 Avenue VinnieBYE BROS (lil nemo)y☯kAJ What You Cookin uncategorized uzi gang 0:03:54 109 2179 2017-04-01 Favorite Share 6 Choppa's N' Uzi's AJ What You CookinDelfino.Beats® (FL)Vinnie90milligramsssy☯k uncategorized verthiptrapscottlilhopplayboibangeruzibeatnewcartitypetravis 0:03:12 107 2639 2017-03-25 Favorite Share 7 Charismatic's Birthday CharismaticZaexxtra_Unpredictable™King Py☯kBONGO⭐L!L AAR0N⭐AJ What You Cookin uncategorized #101 followers 0:01:03 94 1309 2017-03-23 Favorite Share 8 Fallin' CharismaticChris Cash ProductionsZaexxtra_King Py☯k⭐L!L AAR0N⭐❤savage.queen❤ (gone) uncategorized 0:02:37 82 1979 2017-05-11 Favorite Share 9 - Shoot'n - ft. ☯ 酸4C1D734N酸。☯ BYE BROS (lil nemo)y☯k 2 uncategorized trap 808 tm88 808mafia hardbass dark shootin 0:03:34 77 1904 2016-11-14 Favorite Share 10 Dis Work y☯kLxrd Breezy (On FL Now)808Chucky✪2Kingz90milligramsssYung Brando uncategorized 0:03:18 77 1193 2016-08-03 Favorite Share Remix 11 Relea$e ft. 。酸Blxck☯Xypher酸。 ))) sugoi. (Moved FL)y☯k uncategorized sugoi.blxckxypherrare 0:03:25 72 1056 2017-12-28 Favorite Share 12 Death Note Full Beat (Instrumental) y☯kYungCvs uncategorized alot of freakin tags bcollab firefl studio x ableton x reason thats in the song lolyoung cvsdraco plug album starring lord breezy unpredictable acid lean yung cvs 0:03:46 69 2080 2017-02-19 Favorite Share