Tracks Templates datepopular 1 Road To Your Heart ClickZ uncategorized loveheartupbeatedmmelodicclickzracehappyishswitch 0:02:34 7 69 2016-12-13 Favorite Share 2 Space Dust ClickZ uncategorized vocalglitch hopflglitchmelodicclickz 0:05:33 12 292 2016-11-08 Favorite Share 3 Happy ClickZ uncategorized dubstepmelodicvocalshappyclickz 0:03:36 13 120 2016-09-11 Favorite Share 4 Awakening ClickZ uncategorized awakeningpianodubstepmelodicbassepclickzfuturedrop 0:03:24 12 167 2016-05-12 Favorite Share 5 Instinct (300 Followers) ClickZ uncategorized grooveheavydubstep300follower specialepclickzdirty 0:03:38 17 113 2016-04-19 Favorite Share 6 Trill-Pix Could make some good Moombah ClickZ uncategorized not mine 0:03:29 8 100 2015-04-15 Favorite Share Remix 7 I'm Lost ClickZ uncategorized clickzlostpianosad 0:03:01 12 123 2015-01-31 Favorite Share 8 Within ClickZ uncategorized dubstepmelodicchillclickz 0:03:39 19 114 2014-06-24 Favorite Share 9 Soundcloud is Where I'm At! ClickZ uncategorized go to it 0:02:16 19 153 2014-03-15 Favorite Share 10 Uptake ClickZ uncategorized houseclickzep soontest 0:04:22 15 84 2013-11-04 Favorite Share Remix 11 Infinite Road ClickZ uncategorized roadremix competition? 0:01:02 15 95 2013-10-11 Favorite Share 12 Sunny Days ClickZ uncategorized sunnydayclickzgenre? 0:03:21 12 69 2013-10-02 Favorite Share