Tracks Templates datepopular 1 //human ofvmusic Experimental vocoder 0:00:32 6 40 2023-11-19 Favorite Share 2 dissociation ofvmusic Trap 0:01:20 8 71 2022-11-06 Favorite Share Remix 3 sebosito remix??? ofvmusic 8 Other sebositovocalhyperpop 0:02:10 22 159 2022-01-15 Favorite Share Remix 4 ub 3 ofvmusic 5 Future Bass 0:01:30 17 157 2022-01-05 Favorite Share Remix 5 Icebox - Lost In The Ocean (SIREN & OFV Remix) SIRENofvmusic 2 Future Bass future trapremixcomphiatusofviceboxvocalsmelodicsirenremix 0:04:55 80 1234 2020-08-22 Favorite Share Remix 6 FILTH [oflipv] ofvmusic 3 Bass Music filthy8-bitanweriddimim aeros 0:02:15 105 1355 2020-04-08 Favorite Share 7 disease (at day 2019) ofvmusic 5 Experimental at day 19contestaudiotool 0:02:50 31 239 2019-12-30 Favorite Share Remix 8 Konundrum x OFV x SIREN x LANI! - Legends (Lurk)odenSIRENLANI!ofvmusic 4 Future Bass konundrumbigkill my cpulaniofvcollabsireninstagram 0:03:42 39 408 2019-12-25 Favorite Share Remix 9 SIREN & OFV - Grawyl ft. Infectzion infectzionSIRENofvmusic Bass Music prophecymachine gunvomitstepriddimtrapdeathstepofvcollabinfectzionhybridalbumsiren 0:03:21 36 192 2019-11-22 Favorite Share 10 SIREN & OFV - Scrolls SIRENofvmusic 3 Bass Music prophecyperds say its illegalfuture bassdeathstepofvcollabvocalsalbumsirenemotionalillegalmelodic dubstep 0:03:13 45 479 2019-11-06 Favorite Share Remix 11 SIREN & OFV - Horde ofvmusic SIREN 7 Bass Music prophecyofvcollabhard trapheavyhybridalbumsirenscreech 0:03:01 37 240 2019-10-29 Favorite Share Remix 12 lift me TWO the ground (quick edit) ofvmusic 9 Future Bass messaround 0:00:45 13 138 2019-10-21 Favorite Share Remix