Tracks Templates datepopular 1 Alive ofvmusic Bass Music experimentaldubstephardtraphybrid 0:04:36 5 175 2019-02-13 Favorite Share 2 Breathe ofvmusic Bass Music dubstepriddimtrapmixmelodic 0:04:22 8 214 2019-02-16 Favorite Share 3 Hold Me ofvmusic Future Bass o f vcurveofvautomation808newsubbass 0:02:30 7 149 2019-03-28 Favorite Share Remix 4 closure. ofvmusic Future Bass closurelayerspercs 0:02:21 14 206 2019-04-12 Favorite Share Remix 5 graves ofvmusic 1 Bass Music hardgrowltrapdark808deephybridbassmetal 0:01:20 84 2501 2019-05-02 Favorite Share Remix 6 600 Remix Comp (OFV entry) ofvmusic 9 Future Bass pianoofvremix compchill600remix competitionjetdarc 0:02:45 23 264 2019-05-14 Favorite Share Remix 7 Swerzie - On Rot (ofv remix) ofvmusic 7 Future Bass samplechallenge 0:03:16 29 212 2019-09-08 Favorite Share 8 Feeling it ft. namahage & wxstxrn ofvmusic 2 Trap screamo808harddeathstepo 0:01:58 90 1932 2019-09-19 Favorite Share Remix 9 I wanna hear this now without lag and download it ofvmusic 9 Bass Music lagoverload48000hz128mb 0:02:00 22 209 2019-09-25 Favorite Share 10 lift me TWO the ground (quick edit) ofvmusic 9 Future Bass messaround 0:00:45 13 138 2019-10-21 Favorite Share Remix 11 SIREN & OFV - Horde ofvmusic SIREN 7 Bass Music prophecyofvcollabhard trapheavyhybridalbumsirenscreech 0:03:01 37 240 2019-10-29 Favorite Share Remix 12 SIREN & OFV - Scrolls SIRENofvmusic 3 Bass Music prophecyperds say its illegalfuture bassdeathstepofvcollabvocalsalbumsirenemotionalillegalmelodic dubstep 0:03:13 45 479 2019-11-06 Favorite Share Remix