Tracks Templates datepopular 1 Hot Takis (feat. back at it again) King JamesOne_Ugly_Kidt Trap 0:01:54 25 441 2018-03-22 Favorite Share Remix 2 March Madness ×JuugKorp× ProdByWillareDredayNIGHTFALL430JPEG90milligramsss@Brandobeatz__LM Beatsbrrberryk!Lexi Dash ®King Jamesexotikpaxkdee Trap mexikodrotrapuntheactivistlitpoloboyshawtyrich the kidfamous dexdiego moneyplayboi cartistupidxool 0:02:24 85 1668 2018-03-22 Favorite Share 3 Money Games King James uncategorized 0:01:02 12 164 2018-03-21 Favorite Share Remix 4 Blue Beam 2 ×JuugKorp× ProdByWillareKing James uncategorized 0:03:54 39 732 2018-03-20 Favorite Share 5 Iced Out King James uncategorized 0:01:24 11 130 2018-03-15 Favorite Share Remix 6 Rollin' King James uncategorized 0:01:12 17 231 2018-02-26 Favorite Share Remix 7 Great flute ft jamesr ×JuugKorp× ProdByWillareKing James uncategorized 0:03:41 17 322 2018-02-24 Favorite Share Remix 8 Metro_Lex Type Beat Trippy Tay×JuugKorp× ProdByWillareKing JamesSeanDoubleU uncategorized raptrapuzi 0:01:42 21 367 2018-02-23 Favorite Share Remix 9 Banger Trippy Tay×JuugKorp× ProdByWillareKing JamesSeanDoubleU Soundtrack raptrapuzi 0:02:46 12 221 2018-02-23 Favorite Share Remix 10 Trap Metal AffterburnerKing JamesOne_Ugly_Kidt uncategorized trapmetal 0:01:52 9 192 2018-02-22 Favorite Share Remix 11 TRZIN VillaDredayNIGHTFALL430(USOz)Y̶u̶n̶g̶ D̶e̶z̶z̶y̶NEENO KINGDOM (on fl )Jsupreme BeatsDJAir ProductionsGloKidBeatzApollo The God ❂ いい感じ ❂Trapjo$h100(leaving soon)LucianMNKⒷⓁⒶⒸⓀⓈⒽⒺⒺⓅMC Diggy DrugzDopeSoAmazingMusic2King JamesSeanDoubleUAradei122VAASCO.JmoneyBeatzAsian Boi Trap 0:02:56 123 2769 2018-02-22 Favorite Share 12 Undergrnd ×JuugKorp× ProdByWillareKing James Trap 0:04:02 18 329 2018-02-15 Favorite Share Remix