Tracks Templates datepopular 1 xistance Dustin Johnson uncategorized chill 0:02:40 7 58 2017-09-02 Favorite Share 2 YesWeCan Dustin Johnson uncategorized trapobama 0:01:46 1 58 2017-09-02 Favorite Share 3 LetsiGo Dustin Johnson uncategorized lithard trapbass 0:00:48 2 27 2017-08-25 Favorite Share 4 s h a d e Dustin Johnson uncategorized hiphopsmoothatmospheretrapshadechillvibe 0:02:28 18 104 2017-02-08 Favorite Share 5 Update Dustin Johnson uncategorized traphiphopsmoothrough 0:02:37 13 103 2017-01-08 Favorite Share 6 Waiting Dustin Johnson uncategorized dustinjohnsonsmoothhiphop 0:03:12 10 68 2016-12-10 Favorite Share 7 W a t e r Dustin Johnson uncategorized smoothtraprefreshingrainwaterdustinchillcalmrandbjohnsonrelaxing 0:04:18 18 205 2016-10-08 Favorite Share 8 bridges ft. Dī Nerō Dustin JohnsonDINero uncategorized raptrapcollabdustinnerorandb 0:03:34 13 145 2016-10-08 Favorite Share 9 Unusual A.S.P. Made The BeatDustin Johnson uncategorized 0:02:30 9 130 2016-09-23 Favorite Share 10 The Standard Dustin Johnson 3 uncategorized sermonstandardchristiangospelmessageamenjesus 0:01:49 23 280 2016-09-22 Favorite Share 11 V i b e Dustin Johnson uncategorized schoolhiphopcleantrapoldchillnewbassvibe 0:03:16 16 169 2016-09-17 Favorite Share 12 Weighted Dustin Johnson uncategorized weightstatefuture basstraphooddustinchilllifejohnsonweightedbass 0:02:16 12 156 2016-09-09 Favorite Share