Tracks Templates datepopular 1 native song mix- chandler griggs Dj_wafflecs uncategorized edmracismbluesnativesouldjwafflecssonjazzorigionalsongtrack 0:02:02 1 8 2014-10-15 Favorite Share Remix 2 The chase of our freedom (djwafflecs)-origional Dj_wafflecs uncategorized rockedmpopgriggsglorytrapcwg4lifefreedomtodjwafflecschaseelectronicchandler 0:02:19 0 20 2014-10-08 Favorite Share 3 in da fire Dj_wafflecs uncategorized edmcwg+djwafflecstvindafiredj 0:04:16 0 6 2014-10-07 Favorite Share 4 chase of the fearless glory -by djwafflecs Dj_wafflecs uncategorized nativesonroftoporigional song by djwafflecs 0:02:54 1 16 2014-10-03 Favorite Share Remix 5 CAUGHT IN A BEAT Dj_wafflecs uncategorized djwafflecs 0:04:16 0 12 2014-09-30 Favorite Share 6 djwafflecs-lostandrisen Dj_wafflecs uncategorized origionalsmovetrapmixedmdjwafflecs 0:06:32 0 15 2014-09-29 Favorite Share 7 Djwafflecs gen1- the new ERA of music making vol.1 Dj_wafflecs uncategorized edm2k14bitchdubstepshowwantbestmasterwhatvol12015trapyoudjwafflecs1beatmaster20145origionalwobblebassboomatombombgenever 0:04:11 0 12 2014-09-18 Favorite Share Remix