Tracks Templates datepopular 1 Um....this is real offbeat Cyro The Demon Experimental 0:02:21 4 51 2020-12-04 Favorite Share Remix 2 Fairy Boy (Prod Cyro) Cyro The Demon Trap snarefl studiofairy boytraphat808prod cyrokickcyro 0:01:36 25 261 2019-08-24 Favorite Share 3 Fruit (Prod Cyro) Cyro The Demon Trap 0:00:24 15 98 2019-08-17 Favorite Share 4 Dance on glass (Prod Cyro) Cyro The Demon Trap snarefl studiodance on glasspadhat808prod cyrokickchillcyro 0:00:29 15 134 2019-07-24 Favorite Share 5 Justice (Prod Cyro) Cyro The Demon Trap snarefl studiojusitcetrapkickflcyro 0:00:12 18 136 2019-07-11 Favorite Share 6 Snakes everywhere (Prod Cyro) Cyro The Demon Trap 0:00:48 16 129 2019-06-27 Favorite Share 7 Funnel Cake (Prod Cyro) Cyro The Demon Trap snaretrapfunnel cakehat808kickcyro 0:01:12 12 104 2019-06-21 Favorite Share 8 Elation Cyro The Demon Trap snareupbeattraphat808kickhappyelationcyro 0:01:16 14 115 2019-06-19 Favorite Share 9 Short snippet Cyro The Demon Trap snippetlofitraplow basschilljazzbassrelaxeddrumscyroshort snippet 0:01:06 14 122 2019-06-17 Favorite Share 10 Dookie (Prod Cyro) Cyro The Demon Trap snaretrapdemonhat808prod cyrokickcyrodookiecyro the demon 0:00:36 17 116 2019-05-19 Favorite Share 11 Wonders of love (Prod Cyro) Cyro The Demon Trap snarefl studiosmoothwonders of loveupbeattrapdemonhat808prod cyrokickhappywondersloveclapmelodicofcyrocyro the demon 0:01:24 13 88 2019-05-19 Favorite Share 12 Sunshine Cyro The Demon Trap snarefireupbeatoutsidesunshinehat808kickhappyfyemelodiccyro 0:01:24 29 256 2019-04-26 Favorite Share