Tracks Templates datepopular 1 Migos & Rich The Kid ~ Under Rated [ Prod. by ChildishInsanity Beatz ] Tobi Peso uncategorized still on lockunder ratedrich the kidmigoschildishinsanity beatz 0:02:45 13 317 2015-06-25 Favorite Share 2 Childish Gambino ~ Catfish [ Prod. by ChildishInsanity Beatz ] Tobi Peso uncategorized catfishchildishtrapgambinotoughbeatzinsanityalternativechill 0:01:51 11 185 2015-04-29 Favorite Share 3 Lost ( Planet X to Earth ) ~ [ Prod. by ChildishInsanity Beatz ] Tobi Peso uncategorized sadchildishsynthbeatzlostinsanitychill 0:03:28 10 101 2015-05-10 Favorite Share 4 Migos & Rich The Kid ~ Delay [ Prod. by ChildishInsanity Beatz ] Tobi Peso uncategorized still on lockrich the kidmigoschildishinsanity beatzdelay 0:04:58 9 296 2015-06-25 Favorite Share 5 Cosmo x Childish Gambino x Type Beat Tobi Peso uncategorized 0:01:39 7 144 2015-01-11 Favorite Share 6 FF VIII ~ [ Prod. by ChildishInsanity Beatz ] Tobi PesoKidTaj Productions uncategorized traptoughchildishinsanityheylisten 0:02:52 7 71 2015-04-21 Favorite Share 7 Migos & Rich The Kid ~ Net Worth [ Prod. by ChildishInsanity Beatz ] Tobi Peso uncategorized net worthtraprich the kidmigoschildishinsanity beatzstill on lock 0:03:38 7 478 2015-06-25 Favorite Share 8 MF DOOM ~ Ello Guv'nor ( Remake ) [ Prod. by ChildishInsanity Beatz ] Tobi Peso uncategorized childishellomfregulartoughbeatzinsanityshowdoomguv'nor 0:02:21 5 100 2015-05-09 Favorite Share Remix 9 Migos ~ Turn It [ Prod. by ChildishInsanity Beatz ] Tobi Peso uncategorized melodychildishtrapmigosturnbeatzinsanityit 0:02:14 5 177 2015-04-26 Favorite Share 10 Beyond Hope ~ [ Prod. by ChildishInsanity Beatz ] Tobi Peso uncategorized godchildishfuneral.spaceybeatzbeyondinsanityhope 0:02:39 5 27 2015-05-10 Favorite Share 11 Enter the Insanity ~ [ Prod. by ChildishInsanity Beatz ] Tobi Peso uncategorized childishtrapthetoughbeatzinsanitychillenter 0:03:46 5 39 2015-05-11 Favorite Share 12 Migos & Rich The Kid ~ Hitman [ Prod. by ChildishInsanity Beatz ] Tobi Peso uncategorized hitmanstill on lockrich the kidmigoschildishinsanity beatz 0:03:12 5 258 2015-06-25 Favorite Share