Tracks Templates datepopular 1 Travis Scott and Kanye West Type Beat "New Kings" Camden uncategorized new kingship hopwattbawatch the thronefree beatwtttraptravis scottnew godtype beatbeatnew god flowrapsouthflowtrap beatkanye westpiss on your gravejay-z 0:01:56 0 125 2015-11-04 Favorite Share Remix 2 Drake And Travis Scott Type Beat "Past Midnight" Camden uncategorized southcompanytraptravis scotttrap beatsdrakeslowrapfirehip hoptype beat 0:01:33 5 592 2015-11-04 Favorite Share Remix 3 Fetty Wap and Rick Ross Type Beat "Ain't Rented" Camden uncategorized rick rosssouthfetty wapain't rentedtrapbeatsdrakegamebassraphip hopwoahtype beat 0:01:48 10 572 2015-11-04 Favorite Share Remix 4 Migos And Soulja Boy Type Beat "Trap War" Camden uncategorized southwarfreegangtrapbeatsgangsta raptrap warsbuymigos. soulja boygang fighthoodraphip hoptype beat 0:02:17 3 231 2015-11-04 Favorite Share Remix 5 Drake, 808 Mafia and MMG Type Beat "Someone Else" Camden uncategorized someone elsehotline blingremixmmgbeatsdrake808 mafiarapbeathip hoptype 0:01:47 2 253 2015-11-05 Favorite Share Remix 6 UntitledDrake, Migos, Zaytoven, Dj Mustard Type Beat "Running The Game" Camden uncategorized free beatrapmigosdraketype beatdj mustardzaytovenbeatsrunning the gamehip hopmustard on the beat ho 0:02:10 0 55 2015-11-05 Favorite Share Remix 7 Fetty Wap and Rich Homie Quan Type Beat "Atlanta Streets" Camden uncategorized metro boominatlantasouthfetty waptrapdj mustardstreetrich homie quanrapboominhip hoptype beat 0:02:41 4 251 2015-11-05 Favorite Share Remix 8 Travis Scott Type Beat "On Stage Camden uncategorized raptrapkanyetype beatcamdenpanitzsouthhip hopdraketravis scott 0:02:34 0 96 2015-11-05 Favorite Share Remix 9 Rick Ross X Chris Brown X Jhene Aiko Type Beat "Never Hurt You" Camden uncategorized never hurt yourick rosschris brownsouth beatsr&btype beatjhene aikotrap beat 0:01:22 1 72 2015-11-06 Favorite Share Remix 10 The Game X Dr. Dre X Kendrick Lamar Type Beat "Compton Made Us" Camden uncategorized the gamedr.kenrickdrehollywoodrapcoasthiptraplahopwestcomptontype beatbeatlamarbeats 0:02:34 0 71 2015-11-06 Favorite Share Remix 11 Young Thug, T.I., and PARTYNEXTDOOR Type Beat "Trade" Camden uncategorized rapfree beatst.i.traptype beatyoung thugsouthhip hoppartynextdoorti 0:01:58 0 61 2015-11-06 Favorite Share Remix 12 Drake Inspirational Type Beat "too long" Camden uncategorized rapinspiretraptype beatsouthheadlineship hopdrake2pactoo long 0:02:54 0 52 2015-11-06 Favorite Share Remix