Tracks Templates datepopular 1 GETTIN' YOUR RUSH Nikki's Remixes and Edits uncategorized remixsanre_rush 0:00:38 2 64 2017-04-16 Favorite Share Remix 2 Distorted Phallus Nikki's Remixes and Edits uncategorized not_one_sample_sparedraprap(e)tinnitusbestcompetitionevaaaaaaaaar!!!(i_don't _know_why)pluderphoics 0:01:42 6 126 2017-01-17 Favorite Share Remix 3 Max and Nikki's Alaskan Sleeping Bag Adventure Blind HyenaNikki's Remixes and Edits Hardcore not_future_basswhathardcoremore_gay_shitfuccboibreakcoreremix 0:05:20 2 123 2016-11-17 Favorite Share Remix 4 But seriously, I lost my virginity over the weekend Nikki's Remixes and Edits uncategorized breakcoresexcancermashupaudiofooloriginality 0:00:26 3 63 2016-10-29 Favorite Share Remix 5 Fennika Farts a Feedblack loop From her Fat Fabulous Fanny Nikki's Remixes and Edits uncategorized very_quityou'll_probably_need_headphones_to really_hear_it 0:01:30 2 76 2016-09-18 Favorite Share Remix 6 Cowboy Funk Nikki's Remixes and Edits uncategorized shortcow_bellguitarbasshouseplunderphonics 0:00:16 3 69 2016-09-06 Favorite Share Remix 7 Original Title Nikki's Remixes and Edits uncategorized i have this "style" of remixif you want to call it thatin which i mostly just rearrange the bars of the originalchange the tempo and add effect in some places. (vaporwave?) does this make me a bad or lazy producer? 0:02:56 4 67 2016-08-28 Favorite Share Remix 8 Machiniste is better Rasselbock than Rasselbock Nikki's Remixes and Edits uncategorized foodpornspaghettimomaudiofool 0:00:45 3 49 2016-08-18 Favorite Share Remix 9 50m3 m3m3 455 n4m3 1n 411 1337 Nikki's Remixes and Edits uncategorized lol 0:01:26 5 83 2016-07-26 Favorite Share Remix 10 14etan - Expedition (Dance Mix) Nikki's Remixes and Edits uncategorized <3nightcore?remixcompetition800 0:02:09 1 20 2016-07-06 Favorite Share Remix 11 BLVCKPVNTHER - life is hard, hard is life (Nikki's Remix and Master) Nikki's Remixes and Edits uncategorized traphardstylerawstyle 0:03:07 1 46 2016-07-01 Favorite Share Remix 12 SOLACE - Starving (vocal pitch lowered) Nikki's Remixes and Edits uncategorized 1:14ampractice 0:03:18 1 23 2016-06-26 Favorite Share Remix