(Original Description): "My mom died on Febuary 24, 2020. It was a really sad thing to experience (especially me being 9 years old and going through this) so i made this song in her honor"

Recorded: Feb 26-27, 2020

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  • damn it's been 5 years

  • i think your song captures what you feel, among the many emotions that you may feel.

    god bless her and you. stay safe my friend.

  • rip your mom. sure she in a better place

  • damn im sorry to hear that rip =(

  • Hey man i dont know what it is like to lose a mom so I have prayers for u

  • rip man. i hope the best for you.

  • Aye your still young i may not kow how it feels but you have your whole life in front of you make your mom proud man

  • I cant imagine the pain, bless you and your family

  • R.I.P :(

  • Damn bro I’m sorry I hope nothing but the best for you man

  • My condolences go to your mother. May she rest in peace.