Good to hear music and voice that flows without having a million auto-tune layers on it! Kudos to you!

the party last night wasn’t quite what i expected
no-one really came, well
all our friends were there
but no-one mentioned your name
i forgot to write you that letter
like i said i would
i don’t have that much to say
i guess i should be grateful
that i’m not feeling sad
though i’m not feeling much at all
like yeah i could be better
or i could be so much worse
not sure where i stand
i left my window open
on the first night it got cold
so i made some new friends
with the birds on the roof top
they taught me that the winds blow
when the seasons end
mmm and no-one mentioned your name
yeah i guess i'm grateful
that i’m not feeling so sad
though i’m not feeling much at all
sure it could be better
or it could be so much worse
not sure where i stand
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1 -
1 magic
1 Low end is just perfect here!
0 Republished
tone v2
0 Republished
1 This is immaculate!
1 reflects my state rn... I guess.
1 yeahh nico! the fills and transitions are so good <3
1 Republished
if u can tell me what i just changed i'll give u a big ol smooch
2 Deserved to chart #1 this week!!!
1 Why does this sound so familiar
3 I love this
I love your vocals
I love you
It's good to see more people starting to use their vocals more
2 2:18 this part is really cool
2 1:37 ok, i've got the rings, marry me
2 you should have enterd this in the summer holiday Song contest