There is nothing better than raving with those you love.

This track is just some playing around with both the Heisenberg and the Pulverisateur, trying to get better at layering different synths, and to incorpore more variety of sounds to my tracks. In the next months I'm gonna be focusing on getting better with my synths, so every tip, comment or feedback is very very wellcome.

Hope y'all enjoy it :)

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  • The basis for this track bangs. Got that sludgy detroit vibe to it, would switch up/lower the volume of the snare though, a bit heavy on the low end + The second 303 is out of key

    • wow thats sounds pretty good actually, pretty cool drums

    • Thanks for the feedback, I'll see what can i do to get that snare yo sound better, cheers!

  • Very interesting sound. Really enjoyed it

  • oooooo i like it

  • Tbh , all you need is a faster bpm , and to learn some music theory.

    Thats all thats wrong with it tbh , I usually take techno to the limits tbh , 140-150bpm

    but it has a nice groove , even with the synths being out of key.

    The bass is fine , its just those little stabs thats outta key.

    • Yeah, kind of difficult to understand haha but yeah I'm at uni right now but im down for a rabbit session any other time!

    • Ofcourse. Tell you how I started , If you pull out the pulv , click it and press the CAPS lock. Press these letters : ;khfa ( Sorry if thats confusing) , and switch between some octaves of 4-6 * Just press 4, 5, or 6* and press those letters at the same time..You get a really nice soothing chord in some minor I don't know..but thats how I started.

      I'd have to show you on rabb or something , i can't really explain it well enough for you to understand.

    • The thing is, music theory seems like such a huge universe that for me, having 0 previous musical knowledge (I'm not even sure of what being in/out of key really means), feels kind of intimidating. Is there any good start points to try and learn more about It? Thanks for the feedback <3

  • Nice

  • It's weird but I love it

    • acid and house always make a beautiful combo, glad you enjoyed it :)

    • Thanks man :)

    1 more
  • reminds me a bit of angelspit if you want to look into layering synths with a grittier feel i'd check em out. maybe fill out the space with some chords

    • Thanks I'll definetly Will give It a listen! I tried to add chords but they sounded kind of bad so didnt put them in the final mix.. but thanks for the comment

  • Republished

    minor edits x2

  • Republished

    minor edits