Whenever I do the arpy pluck on my songs I like to copy the notes already there for example you got them going up and down. Well I put them in different octaves and then lower the velocity of them, you need to use poly not mono for that. It's really helpful for making the notes sound a lot more full in my opinion
Basically copying notes and placing them in different octaves can create a fuller sound, especially in the arp pattern. Lowering the velocity of the copied notes adds variation and dynamics to the sound. It helps mimic the real instruments. Now I think I got something wrong or I wasn't clear about it, and that's about using polyphony instead of monophony. Poly plays multiple notes at once while Mono only plays one note at a time.
And I do the same exact thing for basses too. But I like messing around with the automations more with the basses because it can get boring if there's just the bar notes etc.
Maybe another synth layer at
. it sounds kinda thin. I just think it needs to fill the empty spots in the frequencies. Everything else is good but not really my genre per se. But good either way.
Maybe a transition before
like a riser and then an impact and downlifter would be best. Also at
use a crash cymbal transition.
is very cool. Do more of those but with the fx's. A tom fill between
could be nice to introduce that drop.
was very very nice! I liked that part a lot, it was very smooth.
You help me out a lot by dropping these comments in my tracks. If I don't go back and edit that song to try to add some of those suggestions, I'll use it later in another track so that feedback won't go to waste lol.
Adding elements in the mid frequencies can help create a fuller and more balanced sound however I didn't specify on that. So I would say that the supersaw, the screech synth, also the arp needs more of that. But make sure the pad complements the arp and doesn't overcrowd the mix, I do like the airy feel though. "I feel like that would fit it a lot better" was not good advice at all. As a matter of fact, this is your creative process and your different decisions. I should've been more specific.
Also the arp in the beginning is nice but at like
you should start some cinematic pad or something along with the arp. I feel like that would fit it a lot better.