man this wasn't so bad

started by Kepz, fleshed out by Infythsion, finished by Inavon, touched up and published by Kepz
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1 missed this one... Very great track with deep atmosphere!
0 i think this may be my favourite of all the contest entries, seriously love this sound
0 love that gritty chord synth
0 beautiful
0 I LOVE IT :DDD !!!
1 i reckon I'll properly finish this after the contest is done :) We are just all busy and ran out of time to polish it / add last details!
1 Amazing work guys
1 too bad i missed the chance to do this
0 gjob yall!!!
0 I can't compete against this lol, amazing
3 amazing track guys, great groove and beautiful atmosphere
1 ok how do you uploand a remix?
4 This is about as "Audiotool" of a track as it gets.
1 very low-key and satisfying. love the panning pad at 4:43