on my way to release an album

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  • yoo this is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good man keep on

  • This superb

    • Yeah it kinda sounds like some of my tracks!

      keep up the work!!

  • melodies are wacky asf but it's not bad

    and the sub is pretty loud it's on the verge of heavily clipping

    strange sound selection but that makes it unique so idk

    • i really sruggle with getting basses to be loud enough on the low end but it always ends up being blurry and you cant make out the notes😭

  • i swear it said shitting sands in notifications

  • lowkey tuff

  • I thought it said shitting sands

  • You frickin progressed so fast

    • Trust bro you are getting better

    • 🤣nah bro i be taking it one step at a time

  • nice

  • Republished

    wrong note lol