made in a day

i really put my all into this

i did it for client, aka Cory, CROWNST, etc.

so basically this is a tribute to one of AT's greatest in the history of forever


i used to care about charts and shit, right?

who didn't at one point?

but now i've reached the point where i dont care.

i really don't

all i want is to become the best musician i can possibly ever be, and i want to thank client for that

he really helped me find out what kind of path i want to take, helped my mind look at music from a different point of view than i always looked at it from

and i freaking love him for that


He is possibly the single greatest artist AT as ever seen. Not many can doubt it.

But on top of being one of the best musicians i have ever had the pleasure to know, he was also a human being. a person with struggles like you and me. i don't think i was there often enough for him, and i regret that, so this song is also an apology

i just hope he knows how much i appreciate him


wherever you are in the world, stay strong buddy <3

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  • Haven't checked this in a bit lol


    needs so much work


    • intro is the only good part 😭

  • This is beautiful.

    • worked really hard

      appreciate it a lot <3

  • Some of those transitions remind of Kaivon's stuff

    • alr, i will!

    • Look him up on spotify he's got some cool shit

    • He's not an AT producer but he's an electronic producer

    1 more
  • ill miss him, thats for sure.

    • tysm man i appreciate

      he's helped me a lot as well

    • dude he helped me understand bass music and audio tool so much so this hits deep, although this track incomprehinsivly good ngl.

    • same

  • wow impressive

  • Phenomenal

  • You should have made a bass track but this track is pretty cool too

  • If he leaves let him leave, dont chase a person who don't want you for the beautiful person that you are!Be yourself don't let others define who tf you are, only you can make the choice to change and if you do your fucking yourself not him, he want u to change.Also this sounds AMAZING!!i love it!!!

    • Cory (Client) will always be remembered in this community, no matter what.


    • ty, and i just wanted to dedicate a song to him, i understand why he left, and im ok with that, because i want to see him happy, but i just wanted him to know how much i care for him, and what he means to me

  • finally went down lol

  • who did you learn from.. all of your stuff sounds so professional now..

    21 more
  • 4 more
  • 100th fav!:)

  • some beautiful synths in this, will have to peek

  • Not the first time he " goes away "

    Will be back sooner or later.

    Classic pattern

  • he did not die

    • Ableton > Mexico

    • only real men use delay lama

    • The best DAWs out there right now I'd say are Cubase and ProTools. ProTools is currently the industry standard for most in-studio composition production. The only downside about ProTools is the cost. Conversely, FL studio is still used by many in the film industry even with its more limited capabilities. Alex Moukala to this day still uses FL and has worked on both Avengers Endgame and John Wick.

    9 more