Enjoy this song about those late-summer rainy nights

Or about space, whichever you want

Remix on for you little freaks out there

I may change the cover later

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  • in case any of you want to learn this song, the I made tabs for it

    not 100% accurate but pretty close

    unfortunately I did an oopsie and set its name to "unnamed" while I was still making the song and Songsterr doesn't let you change that

    • If anyone needs it, I can probably figure out what the chords are for those that don't read tablature 💜

      Hmu on my wall if you need it!

  • Republished

    -added missing second guitar

    -slightly reworked some guitar parts towards the end

    -small arrangement changes

    -slight mixing tweaks

    1 more
  • This is pretty cool! It's very energetic, but it feels a bit long. I really like the atmosphere, but i think maybe the guitar is a bit loud? I'm only listening on my phone with headphones, so I don't have a good idea where your levels are but a lot of the elements blend really nicely and i enjoyed the overall flow of this

    • thanks for taking the time to listen! Regarding the length, I wasn't really expecting it to get as long as it did when I was working on it. As for the guitar, I had originally intended for there to only be acoustic and clean electric guitars, but it kinda became more of a rock song as I kept working on it.

    • The end of the song also loops interestingly back into the beginning of the song. I had my player on single track loop, and when it repeated I kind of felt like it was still the same song and it hadn't ended. Could be an interesting thing to look into 😁

      Nice work! Thank you so much for sharing this with me :) sorry it took me over a week to listen to it, I've been really busy. Stay classy! 💜✨

  • This is just so cool to me

  • This is very nice. I find the rhythm guitar is sitting a bit too far back in the mix in the choruses.

    • that is probably true. I believe I had intended to get a second one for them for a fuller sound. Must have slipped my mind, I'll do that tonight.

  • god damn I did not realize it was that long