Finally finished! This is probably one of my favorite tracks I've made. Also some of the most fun I've had making a song. I now have a little more respect for people who main this music for their unending patience, something I have little of. Which is why I was surprised I was even able to do this.

Anyway full fledged dubstep on this one. Hope you enjoy! Criticism is always welcome!

-also credit for piano sound: @sea foam and the wind

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  • why is AT sleeping on this?! wake up!

  • solid drumstep my dude i like the lingering wobbling growls through the second part of the drop.

  • maybye if my editors like it

  • super fire i will use this in my next youtube

  • Amazing!

  • Very interesting.


  • Aye #1 thank you

  • mercory

  • mmm

  • This is incredible. What I like the most is the amount of effects, also how layered up the sounds are.

    • Yes that's what I meant at that part! I thought it was really wild doing that

    • Im assuming you mean the bass. So basically for the main bass I used an lfo for the rhythms and basically turned up the lfo rate so it went spas lol

    • What's happening at around 03:47 or 03:48 ? It sounds pretty interesting.

  • Basses aren't very great, sound design, and pattern wise. I'm about to go to bed, I'll go into better detail tomorrow. I do love everything else though

  • Well mixed! Bass could prolly use a little less res- not necessarily tho, just depends on what you're trying to do with it. Growls are just simply lovely. I like the way you used that crookers bass. Cool track all around fs, I like it a lot! Nice job, man.

  • Very cool !

  • i eat mercury