This My 2 Music Enjoy!

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  • A space alone wont make a mix. I'd really wanna hear some reverb or a chorus or flanger, something to make it more dynamic. This just sounds like a straight line

    also, a soundtrack can have more than just a snare. You dont need a supercomputer to have a kick, hat, and snare in your mix

    Nice take on it tho, i wanna see where this goes

    • i didn't even do anything, but thx for the feedback

    • Thx for the feedback, I agree

  • It's Great!

  • its pretty!

    but the notes arent very clear. they all sound pretty far away. which is nice if thats what youre doing, but they can still sound cleaner when theyre far away.

    id suggest putting some reverb on your synth and mess around with the knobs on it to find a sound that clashes less when you play multiple octaves.

    • shiizzzle u got a point but i don't have that good of a computer ;-;

    • you dont have to have these huge massive drafts to be a good artist, the beauty of why I like AT is how much i can make with as little instruments as possible. its like a fun little puzzle

    • its not always about mixing and mastering but the design of the synth itself. Its a lot of trial and error but thats what makes a good song great. its what make the artist unique and its what makes people want to listen to them. The small- seemingly unimportant choices you ake while making your music makes you fun to listen to.

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  • Nice