oh my goodness this is candy!!!

So when I sat down to make this, I listened to all of my songs in order to grab some inspiration. And when I came across my old Tekken song, I knew I had to do something cool with it.
I then sat down, and listened to the song over and over again, for about an hour or two. Then i got the inspiration to redo the drop. So that’s what I did. I hopped into my bass design draft (one that I use to make basses, bounce, then delete all of the patches). I think this arrangement for the basses was pretty cool because not only I got a little help from Kyurra with a couple of sound design tips (thanks rea!) but its the most dubstep sounding drop made from more than one bass. The stab itself is made up of two different stabs, one more percussive, and one more detuned. Then I took my favorite bass preset (White Noise Reese Bass) and made the main growl out of it. Also, for the C section, I took an old bass that I sampled and used, and stole the patch and tweaked the thing a little.
The second drop is cool, because the main bass here, is a sustained growl help up by five patches and the 808. This one is cool, because it’s actually the refined main bass from the original WIP. I like this one, due to the state it is in now. You know that feeling when you just start out, and you want to create a sound, but don’t have the ability to do so? Yeah. This is one of those times when I actually made the sound. I layered the original four with (you guessed it) another White Noise Reese Bass, so I could still get the uniformed sound, while also modulating the gain on the original (*ahem* throwing an LFO)
I think the ending is also cool. I sat down and did some black magic to make my Discord voice call output a microphone and still go out to my headphones. Then, a buddy and Ion discord sat down and recorded a shit ton of wacky noises for the ending of the song, and we settled with this disgusting, throaty cough. Then he gave me the inspiration of making that cough a part of a cool 8-bit scenario. All in all, this was vv fun to make
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