i like.

If you can`t - can't go away
take your mind - don't mind and fly away
somebody could say - say that you are ill
but deep inside you're quiet till:
your body can't, your mind can do!
because you FLY AWAY!
just believe and you will receive!
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1 -
2 i completely forgot to fav this haha
1 very cool! might be one of the ones I download :)
1 Seconding and thirding the NIN comments. Great track!
2 im getting nine inch nails vibes from this lol. Sounds great!
0 watn hier los?! hamma track! Hoffe alles duffte bei dir? grüße Q
2 Awesome music :~)
2 oh hey NIN
2 Wow! <3
3 This made me fly away !!! Great track and production !
2 beautiful work <3
3 I really like this, also that cover is awesome
2 Great song ! Reminds me a bit of a track "Skinny Puppy - Assimilate".
1 Just went to a Goth Club night last night. Would fit in perfect there.
1 Oh this is a straight track out of like movie, damn nice job guys