The thing's downfall probably started when I tried to combine two different IDs in the most lazy way. Oh well, enjoy the bonus gift for this project being late.

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  • Duee how do u make that sub bass its awsome

    • It’s a mix between a sine wave and a pulv with its noise oscillator turned on. Both are being distorted together

  • How do you make your kick sound so big!

    • I stand corrected, it’s Vulkron’s preset, not joVee’s. Not that it matters much

    • I soft-clip them using a waveshaper. JoVee has a pretty good preset to use called "potential soft clipper," I usually turn the mix knob down a little bit.

  • fucking epic

  • Less crunchy, but still kinda slaps. I love the design of that bass a lot. Sustain knocked me on my ass when I heard it ngl.

    • For that section, I wanted to do something creative and weird (at least for me) so I went with that. Fun fact: that as well as the main bass both appear in the actual Chaos State.

    1 more
  • fantastic flow on the second one