dude this is awesome im so sorry i missed this

Taking a quick break from the album
Mostly made when next first came out
Huge inspiration from neo, hence the space pic ;)
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0 -
0 siiick
1 I missed listening to werbs and other like him. Y tf did I leave AT again? Idek XD
2 Werbies be back
1 love it
1 Awesome work, love it !
3 man I miss when xavrockbeats used to make this stuffq
1 definitely reminds me of neo :') the melody is super catchy too
0 Republished
added some cymbals
0 Republished
added some ambiance and white noise
1 awesome
1 very neo
2 You're like cleb, or is cleb like you? Either way creativity is through the roof as always.