Many future garage tracks have a complicated, naturalistic, dark feel at the beginning with many elements blended in well all together. At the beginning of your track, all I can hear is the bass and nothing resembling nature. Take inspiration from the cover! Try and recreate a mist sound! Try and recreate a forest sound!
I’ve been experimenting with future garage sounds in my unpublished drafts and I have to say that, in my opinion it is a very hard genre to learn. Besides your brilliant bass work, I greatly suggest not doing 1 hour tracks and instead experimenting and listening to future garage more often. A good one is “Ice by Taigai”. I was wondering if you could invite me to a draft and give me some tips on making reese basses some time in the future when you are free!?:)
Not bad for a first attempt though in my opinion it isn’t really future garage. I really like the touch at
though the transition at the beginning and end is quite lousy. In my opinion, the bass needs way more compression and to be pitched more subtle or deeper. This way you can incorporate filtered drums or drums with a mix of different gains, reverb and compressor, added with a slight depth from the slope and maybe even a delay used! I suggest you use multiple quantum’s for this!
In order to create a good transition, you need to understand the structure of future garage. I suggest doing what I said about the bass to create louder, cleaner drums. Otherwise, there is a high change you will struggle from clipping.