You should call it Wundrland.

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0 -
0 Love that arp, the cymbal sounds weird to me but i like the glitching a bit. The melody you added is really nice
0 refav...
0 Really good !!!!
0 I love it :D
0 Get you some bigger speakers, dude. :)
0 a bit soft though...just boost up the volume a bit... :)
0 yay you remixed!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.................... ;)
0 Thanks guys. Amoeba had some really intense setups and processing on this, so I stripped it way down, sped it up, and tried to tease out some simple sounds and look at his work from a different angle.
0 Wow!!!! So unique!!! Wowwww!!!!! So great!!! A little short...but that's okay cause it's still freaking amazing!!! Awesome job Mr Standfast :D
0 Aw you beat me to it :(
0 Good job!
0 First play and comment?